Journal of Religious Policy published by the Office of Religious Research and Development Jakarta, Research and Development Agency, Religious Education and Training, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia.
The Journal of Religious Policy or REPO publishes research articles that focus on religious policy, such as; Analysis of Religious Policy, Evaluation of Religious Virtue, and Thought on Religious Policy. This issue is very important to research and study because it relates to harmonious religious life. REPO can be a medium for the diffusion and exchange of ideas and research results, in such a way that researchers, writers and readers from various disciplines have interacted scientifically.
REPO is published twice a year (June and December), and always invites writers, academics and researchers on religious policy in other parts of the world in local and global contexts.
REPO is jointly published with AAKI (Assosiasi Analis Kebijakan Indonesia), Association of Indonesian Policy Analysts - AIPA (Letter Of Cooperation With AAKI)
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Current Issue

The REPO Journal Volume 3, Number 2, July-December 2024, presents seven articles delving into various aspects of religious policy from the perspectives of multiculturalism, law, education, and women’s leadership. This journal serves as a platform for academics, researchers, and practitioners to enrich the scientific discourse in the field of religious policy, which is relevant to contemporary social, political, and cultural dynamics.
The first manuscript, titled "COMPARISON OF RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE POLICIES IN INDONESIA AND MALAYSIA: LESSONS FROM MULTICULTURAL EXPERIENCE", discusses the religious tolerance policies in Indonesia and Malaysia, highlighting the multicultural approaches adopted by both countries. The author offers important lessons to strengthen social cohesion amidst religious diversity.
The second manuscript, "DYNAMICS OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AND HOUSE OF WORSHIP ESTABLISHMENT IN INDONESIA: A CRITICAL REVIEW OF JOINT MINISTERIAL REGULATIONS", explores the challenges of religious freedom in Indonesia, particularly regarding the establishment of places of worship. A critical analysis of the Joint Ministerial Regulation reveals its implications for religious practices in society.
The next article, "TEVHID-I TEDRISAT AND THE POLICY OF ISLAMIC TEACHER’S DEVELOPMENT IN TÜRKIYE (1924-1948)", examines educational reforms in Turkey through the Tevhid-i Tedrisat policy, focusing on the development of Islamic religious education teachers during the transitional period after the Ottoman era.
The following manuscript, titled "ANALYSIS OF THE MINISTRY OF RELIGION'S RELIGIOUS MODERATION MOVEMENT IN THE DIGITAL ERA", evaluates the religious moderation initiatives promoted by Indonesia’s Ministry of Religious Affairs, emphasizing the role of digital technology in disseminating messages of religious moderation.
The subsequent manuscript, "THE GOVERNMENT’S POLICY IN PREVENTING THE POLITICIZATION OF RELIGION IN THE 2024 ELECTION", analyzes the government’s efforts to prevent the politicization of religion in the context of the 2024 General Election, examining the challenges and effectiveness of the policies implemented.
The sixth manuscript, "WILAYATUL HISBAH AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF SHARIA LAW IN ACEH: ANALYSIS OF ROLES AND CHALLENGES IN THE MODERN ERA", explores the role of Wilayatul Hisbah in enforcing Sharia law in Aceh, highlighting the challenges faced in the modern era.
The final manuscript, "HOW CAN WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP BE EMPOWERED THROUGH RELIGIOUS AND CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE IN BALI?" discusses efforts to empower women’s leadership in Bali through the integration of religious and local cultural knowledge, which can strengthen women’s roles in society.