1. Journal Title: Journal of Religious Policy
  2. Initials: REPO
  3. Frequency: 2 issues per year (June and December)
  4. Online ISSN: 2987-5749
  5. Print ISSN: 2987-5757
  6. Editor in Chief: Samidi
  7. DOI: prefix 10.31330/repo
  8. Publisher: Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Jakarta
  9. Indexing: 


Journal of Religious Policy published by the Office of Religious Research and Development Jakarta, Research and Development Agency, Religious Education and Training, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia.

The Journal of Religious Policy or REPO publishes research articles that focus on religious policy, such as; Analysis of Religious Policy, Evaluation of Religious Virtue, and Thought on Religious Policy. This issue is very important to research and study because it relates to harmonious religious life. REPO can be a medium for the diffusion and exchange of ideas and research results, in such a way that researchers, writers and readers from various disciplines have interacted scientifically.

REPO is published twice a year (June and December), and always invites writers, academics and researchers on religious policy in other parts of the world in local and global contexts.

REPO is jointly published with AAKI (Assosiasi Analis Kebijakan Indonesia), Association of Indonesian Policy Analysts - AIPA (Letter Of Cooperation With AAKI)

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Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Januari-Juni 2024
					View Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Januari-Juni 2024

This edition is proof of our commitment to continue to provide meaningful scientific contributions in the field of religious policy. In this edition, we present seven articles that explore various important issues, provide in-depth analyses, and offer new perspectives in the field of religious policy.

The first article entitled "The Ambiguity of Religious Moderation Implementation in Ahmadiyah and Shia Sects in Indonesia" explores how the concept of religious moderation is applied to Ahmadiyah and Shia communities in Indonesia. The article offers insights into the challenges and opportunities in realising moderation that is inclusive and fair to all religious sects.

Furthermore, the article "Spiritual Counselling Approach in Religious Policies for Rohingya Refugee Response" discusses a spiritually-based policy approach in supporting Rohingya refugees. The article highlights the importance of spiritual and emotional support for refugees facing trauma and hardship.

"Analysis of Constitutional Court Decision Number 97/PUU-XIV/2016 for the Existence of Penghayat Kepercayaan in the Lens of Citizenship Politics" provides a critical review of the impact of the Constitutional Court's decision on penghayat kepercayaan. The article examines how this decision affects their citizenship status and rights.

The next article, "Islamic Cosmopolitanism: Nurcholish Madjid's Ideas and Their Implications for Religious Policy in the Era of Globalisation," explores Nurcholish Madjid's thoughts on Islamic cosmopolitanism and its impact on religious policy in the context of globalisation. The article connects Madjid's ideas with challenges and opportunities in the globalised era.

"Improving Student Character through Innovative Curriculum: A Study of P5-PPRA Programme Implementation in Madrasahs" discusses the implementation of an innovative curriculum programme aimed at improving student character in madrasahs. The article evaluates the success of the programme and its impact on students' character building.

The article "Interpretation and Contextualisation of the Indonesian Ulema Council's Fatwa on Boycotting Israeli Products in Indonesia" provides an analysis of MUI's fatwa on boycotting Israeli products. The article highlights how the fatwa is interpreted and contextualised in Indonesian society.

Finally, the article "Analysing the Effect of Work Environment and Compensation on Employee Productivity of the Research and Development and Training Agency of the Ministry of Religious Affairs" evaluates the factors that influence employee productivity within the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The article provides recommendations for increasing productivity through improvements to the work environment and compensation system.

Published: 2024-06-30


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